Wednesday, April 30, 2008


THRASS is a program to help people spell words. There are also some cards that we use for a game. To play we pick a card and then we say the sound and name of that thing. For example if the card was ant we would say “a” is for ant. There are two charts that say the word and have a picture of that word. It also has the sound in bold. I have been doing THRASS for about 2 years now.

We have the THRASS boards up on the white board in our classroom and we play the game and chant the words some afternoons. Sometimes we play another game where we get one person to stand up and face away from the charts and they have to say all of the words on one chart without saying one wrong or missing one.

THRASS stands for Teaching Handwriting Reading And Spelling Skills.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Homework Wk9

70 094 > 15 045

Fireflies in the Garden

Here come real stars to fill the upper skies,
And here on earth come emulating flies,
That though they never equal stars in size,
(And they were never really stars at heart)
Achieve at times a very star-like start.
Only, of course, they can't sustain the part.
Robert Frost
I think that in the first 2 lines he is saying that the real stars are coming, and that the fireflies that are on Earth look like them. Then I think that he is saying that the fireflies are not the same size as the stars but look the same.



Fireflies are a bug that has a tail that lights up.

The size of a firefly is about the same size of a paper clip. In the world there are about 2,000 species of fireflies. Many species can be found in places where it is damp and wet. The firefly is an omnivore which means that it eats meat and plants. In the wild the life time for a firefly is about 2 months. The firefly uses its tail for light and also as a defensive mechanism. A few days after mating the female firefly will lay the eggs on top or below the ground. The larvae are commonly known as glow-worms. Male fireflies are the only fireflies that associate in Synchronous flashing.

The Fireflies light will have almost no heat. In some of the world they call it the lightning bug.

Faith and Despondency

" THE winter wind is loud and wild,
Come close to me, my darling child;
Forsake thy books, and mateless play;
And, while the night is gathering grey,
We'll talk its pensive hours away;– "

By Emily Bronte

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

It's Really good for Roman Architecture!

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Dancing Popcorn

Dancing Popcorn


• Water
• Plastic cup
• Popcorn kernels
• 1 Teaspoon
• 1Tablespoon
• Vinegar
• Sodium Bicarbonate

What to do:

1. Fill a plastic cup until it is 3 quarters full.
2. Measure half a teaspoon of Sodium Bicarbonate.
3. Add the Sodium Bicarbonate to the water and then stir it until it dissolves.
4. Add 4 popcorn kernels into the cup.
5. Add 1 tablespoon of vinegar to the cup.
6. Watch closely for about 2 minutes.

What happens?

The popcorn kernels will sit in the water for a bit and then the bubbles will attach to the kernels and will start floating to the top of the cup and then the bubbles will pop and then the kernels will fall back down to the bottom of the cup. This will happen over and over again.